Contact Us

The Dorset Hotel Watch community messaging system:

The Hotel Watch scheme was founded in Bournemouth and has been running since March 2017. The scheme has now expanded to cover other areas across the county. Through the scheme, police have run successful conferences with guest speakers educating hoteliers about up-to-date important issues.

Dorset Hotel Watch is part of the Neighbourhood Alert network of sites and information providers. When you join this system, your information is shared with a small number of licenced organisations.

Your account will automatically default to receiving information from Hotel Watch only.

If you would like to receive alerts from other information providers and organisations, such as Dorset Police, Neighbourhood Watch and VISAV (system administrators), please log in to your account, contact your local Neighbourhood Policing Team or send an email to to amend your settings.

Registering with Dorset Hotel Watch:

To register for Dorset Hotel Watch, you will need to use a pin code. This pin code will be provided by your local Neighbourhood Policing Team. Please visit to find out how to contact them.

Once you have this code registration is free, simple and easy – just use the simple sign up form on this website. Once you have verified your account by responding to the verification e-mail, you have instant access to the Dorset Hotel Watch website.

Logging in to Dorset Hotel Watch:

When you are registered with Dorset Hotel Watch you have full access to log in to the website and access your account settings at any time.

Logging in allows you to control all of your personal details and adjust the types of messages you want to receive, where you want to receive them and when you would like to get them. All of this is done through our secure servers